Thursday, September 06, 2007

Lizzy's broken Pinkie finger

Well Lizzy made the last day of August 2007 a memorable one.

It was Micah's last Friday with us so Lizzy was going to have a few friends stay over that Micah had got to meet. They were all playing outside when she came in and said she hurt her pinkie finger. So I did the usual can u make a fist and she did so I said you'll be fine. Well she bruised pretty good around her knuckle and it swelled pretty good too. She wasn't complaining to much so I gave her some Motrin and sent them to bed. It was still pretty swollen the next morning so after we delivered the last girl home it was off to the clinic we go.

Well as it turned out she broke the growth plate in her finger. And being it was Saturday and a holiday weekend we couldn't talk to a surgeon in ANC until Tuesday. We couldn't cast her until we knew for sure her growth plate was going to heal propely they were thinking she would probably need surgery. So we got a splint and away we went. Us girls ventured up to some of the WWII stuff that Micah hadn't got to see yet. (I will get pics up soon) We had a great time exploring.

On Wednesday we finally found out that it looks ok and we can cast it. So she will be in a cast for 4-5 weeks and no vigorous activity for 8 weeks. She was pretty bummed because she was going to participate in a triathalon the 15th of this month. She was going to do the bike riding portion. Basketball also begins later this month. She will probably get to run scoreboard on Saturdays for the games.