Monday, February 19, 2007


Friday was a beautiful sunny day. One of our first nice days for February. The fox photo I took out of our living room window. It was about 11:30am and I saw that one and a red fox out my window. I was pretty excited but I had my 1yr old with me so I couldn't sneak outside for a better shot. The bird shots I took before I went to school with Tommy. It's fun to see the eagles all the time and so close. They are only a light pole away. :)

I couldn't resist the picture of our cat Hopps. Its funny to see how a cat will play in a box no matter how old they are.

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Lizzy great soccer game!

Well indoor soccer season is about half way through. Both kids are playing but in different age groups/team. It's been fun but busy with different practice nights and on Saturday's we have to go to 2 different games. It keeps us busy because I have my 1yr old all day too on Saturday's.
Yesterday's game was most exciting for Lizzy she scored 4 out of 6 goals for her team but they still lost.
She was awesome though. Tommy's game was great too but he is recovering from a sore throat/cold took the game a bit easy.
He did have a sleepover for his birthday on Friday night. He had 2 friends stay the night and they had a great time. For one of his friends was his first all nighter. Tommy and one of his friends both had games on Saturday so by last night they(tommy) was pretty worn out. His cold is getting better but still hanging on. He missed his first days of school this year last week. A bit bummed about that but still very happy over attendance and of course Lizzy still hasn't missed a day.
So that's about all of our excitement here in Dutch. Tommy is getting the new Nintedno Wii and is patiently anticipating its arrival. It has been quite a quest to get our hands one one. We had one that should have been here by his birthday(Feb 1) but the USPS managed to lose it. So luckily if found another one at Dell and they have been super helpful unlike TOYS R US whom after this experience(I will spare you that story) will never spend another cent with.
Well our snow has almost melted away. February has made us feel like we are back in K-town. Has been rainy and windy most of this month. They are calling for some more snow but the ground is so wet would be surprised to see much accumulation. But as I look out the window I do see flakes bigger than a 50cent pieces falling. They sure are pretty when they are big like that.

My car got an booboo!

Well this happened to my car a few weeks ago. Haven't been very good at updating lately. The kids and I were on our home from church it was a very nice day out but cold. The roads were clear but there were a lot of icy parking lots around. We were just traveling along when a truck came sliding out of a parking lot and wham!! We got hit. I was pretty MAD, but after calming down and talking with the guy that hit us and realizing we were all OK I managed to calm down. We were all ok except for my car. We are in need of a new bumper and drivers door, and lots of paint and other misc work. It's going to cost over $6000 to fix it but luckily its his insurance that gets that bill.