Saturday, August 25, 2007


Well on Tuesday night I got a call from Kay and Tim that I thought would probably never happen. I say this only because of our new location otherwise it would've been a given. This will all make sense in a minute. So she calls to say that that there is a possibility that they might send Micah to us for 11 days if we wanted. Well I about jumped through the phone. My answer was yes of course how ever long she can stay we will keep her. So they weren't quite decided yet because it was a choice between us or Micah's aunt. I didn't say anything to Lizzy just in case it didn't work out. But said my prayers and patiently awaited Kay's phone call back. And what do ya know but we get that call and she will arrive in 2 days. We decide to keep this a secret from Lizzy which was no easy task on Micah's or my part. These girls have been keeping in touch with a web cam and can chat too. But we kept it a surprise as you can see in these photo's. It was worth it.
We couldn't be more excited about having her here. It's been a great 2 days so far. It's just like were back home and she's here while her parents are out on the boat. When we were in KTN she was welcome at the drop of hat if needed. So anyways were are all excited except for Tommy was abit bummed that he didn't have a friend from back home on the plane to. He keeps asking me if Brian can come visit and I say if he makes it out here for a visit of course he can. He misses Brian very much. Well I better run we have a busy Saturday planned today.

4th and 6th grade

Well Aug 22nd marked the start of our second school year here. I cant believe how quickly time is going by. They are exctited to see their friends again but not excited about early to bed. And none of us are ready for the early wake up calls.

Family Time (8.19)

Well it's our last weekend before school starts. We took a drive out to the end of the road to see if we could find some horses. No luck that time but we did have fun anyway. They found the board and commenced to hitting rocks into the water and aiming for various targets. I was busy taking some of my flower and bee shots and realized I was missing some of the fun.
We had a lot of fun even though the sun didn't come out to visit that day. On the way back we stopped to I could take some more photos and Lizzy jumps out to pick some Salmon berries. Her and Chris were very happy to know that we have them here too. It is amazing how low to the ground the bushes grow here.

Flowers, bees and Fat Cat (8.19)

These clouds are looking toward the back of my house. There was some serious fog following them.

This is our "fat cat". As you can see its a very rough life here at the Riley house. She is 11.
These bee photo's were taken last weekend along with us hitting rocks into lake. (next blog post). I figured I would separate these scenery shots from us. Don't know why but that's how its happening. I like the one of the bee in the air. I didn't realize I had this until I got them into the computer. They sure do grow some big bumblebees here.

Fathers Day 07

Well took me a bit to get these up but here some of how our first Fathers Day was in Dutch.
We actually went camping for the night. It was nice out but a bit breezy not quite like camping back home. This is the beach where we usually see the horses. We did see them off in the distance but I think the campfire kept them away.
The kids were doing sparklers and it was close to midnight figured I didn't want to stay up till 3 when it is actually dark. They had a blast they love to camp.
Chris got a DS lite so we can all play games together. The kids got new ones when we left Ketchikan last summer. They were great for the long train and plane rides. I got Tommy's old one so like I said now we can all play together. They are neat little units and are wireless.

Friday, August 10, 2007

52 weeks

Well Aug 8th marked one full year for the kids and I in Dutch.
It has been a great year. We are enjoying the new scenery and
weather. I do sometimes miss the rain but a dryer climate has been
somewhat spoiling I must admit.
I can't believe the kids will be entering 4th and 6th grade!!! School starts
here on the 22nd so not much longer to go. Lizzy has lived on her bike
all summer and both kids are haveing fun going down to the park to play.
We only have 2 school years left here and then its back home.